How to search for a host family or an au pair in Spain? Read our step-by-step instructions and find out how to quickly find the right au pair or host family! The program is divided into 7 steps.
1. Signing up for the program and scheduling info interview
You will need to fill out an online application form to participate in the program. You can do this by clicking the button —– After signing up, you will receive a confirmation e-mail that you have successfully signed up and instructions on how to easily schedule an appointment for an online info interview.
2. Info interview
Follow the instructions in the e-mail that you received to easily schedule an appointment for an interview.Info Interview is held online via Skype where we get to know you better and find out what kind of candidate or family you are looking for and what your expectations from the program are. Also, we will check that you meet all the eligibility requirements to participate in the program.
3. Creating a profile
With the help of your coordinator / AuPair assistant, you can quickly complete the profile information. Complete your profile with texts, photos references, video and enter your own personal search criteria.
4. Finding the right family/ candidate
When you, as a family, open your profile, you will see matching profiles displayed in your personal feed. These search results are based on the criteria defined during your registration. An au pair will receive a notification via email when there is a family interested in their profile. The au pair will be notified by email when the family requests an interview and after that an online interview is arranged between the candidate and the family, during which they will get to know each other.
5. Matching and signing a contract with the candidate/family
Once an AuPair and a family agree on all the details of an upcoming stay, these points should be set down in the AuPair contract which is signed by a family, a candidate and our Organization as the third party. AuPair assistant will follow the steps of this process to make it clear for both the family and the candidate and to ensure that all parties are satisfied with the conditions.
6. Prepare for trip and the au pair stay
The AuPair assistant will organise, together with the candidate and the family, candidates’ arrival to the family.
This includes the process of obtaining the visa (if required), assistance when planning the complete trip of the applicant, assistance in purchasing a travelling ticket and insurance, and making the arrangements for meeting the AuPair in Spain.
7. Stay in family and preparation for au pair trip back to home
During the stay in a family, the AuPair assistant is in touch with both the family and the candidate all the time, so that any possible misunderstanding can be quickly and easily resolved. Upon completion of the program, we assist the candidate on their return home and upon arrival, we arrange meeting with the candidate to hear firsthand about your unforgettable experience.